7 Leadership Habits for an Engaged & Accountable Team
On May 7, 2025, at 12 Noon, Andrea Herran, Founder and CEO of Focus HR will present to the Rotary Club of San Dimas via Zoom on the 7 Leadership Habits for an Engaged & Accountable Team.
Andrea “developed a passion for Human Resources and Leadership from the beginning of her career. One thing she noticed about working with people is you see the good, bad and the ugly from managers and employees. Overcoming the bad and ugly was a challenge she would take on and learning from the good and great made a lasting impression on Andrea. She brings those learnings to her clients and team each day.”
To join the meeting, please email SanDimasRotary@gmail.com for the Zoom link.

Date and Time
Wednesday May 7, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PDT